Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Michael kors boosting my spirits!

I've been thinking more and more about my missed opportunites with dressmaking & design. It's the only thing i ever committed to school wise after high school. Or shall i say, attempted to commit too. Luckily i paid off all my online classes, but i did not complete them. Quite honestly, even though i was sewing at a factory before, during, and after my online d&d courses, it was not enough to motivate me at jome during my personal time to complete my lessons. And sadly, at that time, partying was more important to me than chasing my dreams.
So as we continue to grow in our adult, married life together, i have considered to look into courses again. Not until we've settled into the house and not to interfere with work, but definitely at some point. And a huge part of that goes to Tim Gunn and Michael Kors. Tim is amazing and so inspiring (duh!) and Michael Kors' spring 2014 collection is just amaaaaaaazing!!!

I am allowing myself to be open and receptive to that which the Universe is trying to offer me. <3

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